Project Description

/Fire Extinguisher Maintenance

Castagna Antincendi perform periodic maintenance on any type of fire extinguisher, even those supplied by other companies.

The national reference standard for the maintenance of portable and wheeled extinguishers is UNI 9994-1, the periodic maintenance phases are described in the table below, which also shows the periodicities; Fire extinguishers that cannot be serviced must be put OUT OF SERVICE; if a fire extinguisher is considered dangerous, the maintenance technician must make it safe. Following a detected nonconformity, the person in charge must have the fire extinguishers replaced.

Initial check Not applicable Specialised company
Surveillance According to the maintenance plan drawn up by the person in charge Person in charge/properly informed personnel
Periodic check Every 6 months Specialised company
Scheduled overhaul In relation to the type of fire extinguishing agent Specialised company
Testing In relation to the type of fire extinguishing agent Specialised company
Routine maintenance Occasionally in case of slight anomalies found Specialised company
Extraordinary maintenance Occasionally in case of nonconformities found Specialised company
Powder Monthly 6 Months 36 Months 12 Years
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Monthly 6 Months 60 Months 10 Years
Water / foam with steel tank carbon Monthly 6 Months 24 Months 6 Years
Water / foam with inox steel tank carbon Monthly 6 Months 48 Months 12 Years
Halogenated hydrocarbons Monthly 6 Months 72 Months 6 Years
Maintenance of fire hydrant networks
Maintenance of Fire Doors and Emergency Outputs
Maintenance of gas and fire detection systems